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  • in reply to: Congolese Should Stop worshipping their pastors #48409

      Should we laugh and die? It is the hospital that laught at the charity. By tribal coterie, to help Felix Tshilombo Bizimungu to debunk the system of predation, “Momo” Modeste Mutinga proposes the creation of a national prosecutor’s office, not only to fight against corruption, but also hunt down all economic criminals white-collar! Hilarious ! “Momo” Modest Mutinga is still walking with his two legs known to all: Fourberies and Rogue, what good can he propose! His custom-made law, impunity and tremendous benefits, to Alias ​​Kabila was it to fight corruption? “Momo” Modeste Mutinga did not contribute to the descent of hell from the DRC? Congolese live on less than a dollar a day, they complain that Alias ​​Kabila is entitled to $ 680,000 each month. Is not it “Momo” Modeste Mutinga who granted Alias ​​Kabila so many advantages, as former president?

      President of the famous High Authority of the Media (HAM) of 2002-2007, “Momo” Modeste Mutinga had transformed this institution of support for the democracy, in “Strangle of Freedoms”. “Momo” Modeste Mutinga had muzzled journalists, gagged media and opponents. “Momo” Modeste Mutinga Mutuishayi will go so far as to cancel the democratic debate inscribed in the Constitution that was to oppose Jean-Pierre Bemba to Alias ​​Kabila Kanambe Kazembere Mtwale, the two candidates who came in the running for the second round of the Louis Michel 2006 presidential election Alias ​​Kabila will thank him by naming “Momo” Modeste Mutinga, Senate Rapporteur! Corrupted by regime in place, he will make the elevator to Alias ​​Kabila and protect him. He owes everything to Alias ​​Kabila, he will lay in the Senate”The Modeste Mutinga Law on the Status of Elected Former Heads of State .” “Momo” Modeste Mutinga Mutuishayi has put together a bespoke law, and the worst of it is that begging journalists, “Coupagistes” and “Thuriféraires” have praised this accursed law , while “Momo” Modeste Mutinga, the ventriote-Libumucrate, is in the cauldron of Kanambeïste feeder since he was President of the High Authority of the Media (HAM)!

      The election Louis Michel 2006, was the first election hold-up of Alias ​​Kabila. That of November 28, 2011, was the second an election hold-up. The DRC has never had a free, democratic and transparent election. And the election of December 30, 2018 has given rise to an ELECTORAL NOMINATION Felix Tshilombo Bizimungu, due to a mafia deal.

      Here are the 15 material advantages enjoyed by Alias ​​Joseph Kabila after his imposture at the head of the country:

      1. The former President of the Republic elected shall be entitled to a special monthly pension exempt from all taxes. This takes effect at the effective installation of the newly elected president;

      2. An annual allowance for services rendered to the nation;

      3. A decent housing provided by the State or a housing allowance;

      4. A diplomatic passport for himself, his spouse and minor children;

      5. Of two vehicles, one of which is of a function and another of domestic use;

      6. A security service with a significant logistical means including: – at least 2 bodyguards, – 3 elements of his suite and – a section responsible for the custody of his residence;

      7. Domestic staff whose number may not exceed 10 persons;

      8. Office premises for itself and for its secretariat, the number of which may not exceed 6 persons;

      9. Monthly fuel endowment;

      10. Monthly allowance for water, electricity and telephone charges;

      11. Health care at home or abroad for the Republic, for himself, his spouse and minor children;

      12. A survivor’s pension (monthly) for his surviving spouse who has not remarried, in the event of his death;

      13. An orphan’s pension (monthly) for his minor children, in the event of his death;

      14. A lump sum allowance for the surviving spouse who has not remarried, in the event of his death;

      15. A lump sum allowance for orphans.

      Unconscious of the Republic, “Momo” Modeste Mutinga Mutuishayi saved Alias ​​Joseph Kabila Kanambe Kazembere Mtwale, with his accursed law which grants him privileges after 18 years of imposture on the throne of Congo … now, i want to start again with a so-called financial floor for Féix Tshilombo Bizimungu, thief of destiny of the Congolese people. Being an eater at every rack is an art. 

      Ndoki is Congo!


        Affaire Lambert MENDE: Implication personnelle du Chef de L’État et de la Présidente de l’Assemblée Nationale ainsi que la collaboration de la police congolaise.

        Le député national, Lambert MENDE vient d’être libéré ce dimanche 19 mai par l’implication personnelle de la Présidente de l’Assemnblee Nationale, Jeanine MABUNDA après une arrestation de quelques heures. Cependant la RDC est actuellement tournée vers le respect strict de la loi au vu de battir un pays prospère où il fait beau vivre pour tous selon le vœu du Président de la République et le souhait de toute la population congolaise.

        A cela, il sied de rappeler que l’immunité parlementaire ne peut-être mis en danger en aucun cas en République Démocratique Congo dans cette nouvelle aire du changement comme stipule la constitution à son article 107 alinea 2:

        “Aucun parlementaire ne peut, en cours de sessions, être poursuivi ou arrêté, sauf en cas de flagrant délit, qu’avec l’autorisation de l’Assemblée nationale ou du Sénat, selon le cas.

         Lambert MENDEEn dehors de sessions, aucun parlementaire ne peut être arrêté qu’avec l’autorisation du Bureau de l’Assemblée nationale ou du Bureau du Sénat, sauf en cas de flagrant délit, de poursuites autorisées ou de condamnation définitive.

        La détention ou la poursuite d’un parlementaire est suspendue si la chambre dont il est membre le requiert. La suspension ne peut excéder la durée de la session en cours.”

        Ainsi, l’intervention de la Présidente MABUNDA est un signal fort pour que la loi soit respectée, et fera en sort comme déclaré sur la RFI pour que tous les moyens de contrôle parlementaire soit effectif dans cette nouvelle législature de 2019 en étant dans la proximité et à l’écoute du peuple.

        in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #48339

          Wivine Yenga WassakoThe suspension of Wivine Yenga Wassako, General Secretary of Higher Education and Universities has, in any case, fuelled conversations. The question that torments minds is that of how did we come to this sanction?

          Documents from the communication services of the Ministry of the ESU retrace the chronology of the facts that led to the removal of the offender. On the side of the Ministry, we deny it: ” … this suspension followed all the normal procedure and respected the constitution and the laws of the Republic ”. But what about exactly? According to the communication services of the Ministry of Esu, after the handing over between the outgoing Minister, Steve Mbikayi, who chose his mandate in Parliament and Marcel Ilunga Leu, the temporary, he quickly at work, dealing immediately with outstanding cases. On the table, Marcekl Ilunga Leu finds the UNIKIN file which his predecessor had already appointed, by ministerial decree, an Academic Secretary General, replacing the former who was also elected National Deputy. The newly promoted to the so-called inspired hill was waiting, of course, for its notification by the Secretary General ai of the Ministry and this, in accordance with the decision of the Presidency of the Republic suspending any movement of personnel in the administration and other services of the State .

          Meanwhile, the Universities Board and the UNIKIN Management Committee, which only worked with its Rector and Budget Administrator, insisted that the appointed Academic Secretary General be notified to ensure the smooth running of this institution. setting up and preparing the student coordination elections for which the Rector was under permanent threats from the students.

          Below, the complete clarification of the facts on this suspension according to the Communication Unit of the Ministry of ESU!


          Here is the sequence of events:

           On March 8, 2019, the Minister of Higher and University Education proceeded to the handing over and resumption with his colleague, Mr. Steve Mbikayi who opted for his elective mandate in the National Assembly and this, in execution of the letter No. CAB / PM / CJDH / PPM / 2019/0275 of 5 March 2019 by His Excellency the Prime Minister, Head of Government (Annex 1);

          Long before, the outgoing Minister of Higher Education and University had signed the Ministerial Order No. 014/2019 of January 22, 2019 appointing an Academic Secretary at the University of Kinshasa to replace the one in office, elected Deputy National who also joined the hemicycle of the People’s Palace.

          In view of the official communique of the Presidency of the Republic of 25 January 2019 suspending any movement of personnel within the administrations, the Secretary General for Higher Education University was not able to notify the concerned said decree.

          First and foremost, it should be emphasised that the official communique of 25 January 2019 was of paramount importance, especially in its movement of personnel, to prevent abuses that could have been committed in this sector and not to block the harmonious functioning of the administrations and different services of the State.

          The Minister of Higher Education and University, by his letter n ° 0171 / MINESU / CAB.MIN / MIL / WPIU / 2019 of March 20, 2019, requested the authorisation of notification of this decree to the Director of Cabinet of His Excellency Mr. President of the Republic, Head of State, precisely to comply with the spirit and the letter of the said communique, letter remained unresolved to this day.
           In the meantime, relaying the terms of the official communique of the Presidency of the Republic, Prime Minister, by his letter CAB / PM / CJDHC / PPM / 2019/0389 of 22 March 2019, instruct all Ministers among others of no longer take the acts of disposition without prior authorisation on his part to judge the urgency and necessity;

          Meanwhile, the Universities Board and the UNIKIN Management Committee which only functions with its Rector and Budget Administrator, since his Administrative Secretary General has been in medical care for some time, insist for the nominated academic secretary to be notified to ensure a smooth functioning of the UNIKIN and to prepare the student coordination elections for which the Rector is under permanent threats from the students.

          To do this and in the best interest of the student community, in response to the letter of the Minister ai of ESU No. 0184 / MINESU / CAB.MIN / MIL / SG / 2019 of March 27, 2019, Mr. Prime Minister Minister, by his letter n ° CAB / PM / CJDHC / PPM / 2019/0417 of March 28, 2019, authorises the Minister of the ESU to instruct his Secretary General to notify the said Order to allow a harmonious functioning of Unikin;

          Similarly, in response to the request of the Minister ai de l’Esu introduced by his letter n ° 0183 / MINESU / CAB.MIN / MIL / SG / 2019 of March 27, 2019, Prime Minister, by his letter n ° CAB / PM / CJDHC / PPM / 2019/0418 of 28 March 2019, authorises the notification to the Director General of ISTA / Lubumbashi of the Order withdrawing his suspension for which a report of non-suit has been drawn up, also to enable the functioning of this higher institute;
           Formally instructed for this purpose by his Minister through his letters n ° 185 and 186 / MINESU / CAB.MIN / MIL / JMB / 2019 of March 28, 2019, the Secretary General for Higher and University Education opposes a categorical refusal by his letter n ° MINESU / SG / 160/01/0541/2019 of March 30, 2019 under the pretext of sticking to the spirit and the letter of the official communique of January 25, 2019;

          After the reaction of his superior by his letter n ° 199 / MINESU / CAB.MIN / MIL / JMB / 2019 of 03 April 2019, Madam Secretary General, by his letter n ° MINESU / SG / 160/01/0598 / 2019 of 05 April 2019 unveils its instigators without the cities by seeking the intervention of his Minister against the instructions of His Excellency the Prime Minister and the instructions repeatedly reminded him by the President of the Republic she said;
           After investigation and over time, it is indeed Mr. Jean TEZO-KIA-NSI, Senior Adviser to the Head of State in charge of Education and some of his Assistants as well as Mr. Jean Claude MBOMBO, A / P of the ANR which operates by intimidation to the members of the Management Committee of Unikin and others without its hierarchy and the ANR being informed;

          The refusal of the Secretary General to comply with the orders of her superior is an insubordination because if there is a violation of the official communique of 25 January 2019, it would be in the name of the person who authorised the taking of these Orders and not in the name of the person who has merely notified;

          Also, this ambiguous attitude of a nature to oppose the institutions of the Republic is as much reprehensible for the Secretary General as for the instigators who operate without any respect of the administrative order in this matter.

          For all these reasons above and in the face of the deliberate blocking by the Secretary General, blockage of such a nature as not to favor the regular functioning of the Minister, the Prime Minister, by his letter CAB / PM / CJDHC / PPM / 2019 / 0577 of April 19, 2019, in response to that no. 212 / MINESU / CAB.MIN / MIL / PMK / JMB / 2019 of April 08, 2019, of the Minister of the ESU, authorised the taking of the Order suspending from the Secretary General to the ESU while asking for the respect of the legal framework which organises the disciplinary regime applicable to civil servants of the State;

          However, by his letter n ° 0797/04/2019 of April 27, 2019, received on May 03, 2019, from the Head of the Cabinet of His Excellency the President of the Republic, the Head of State, informed by the letter n ° MINESU / SG / 160/01/878/2019 of April 24, 2019 of the Secretary General ai to the Higher Education and University asks the Minister of the ESU ai to bring back said Decree because not having required its authorisation in accordance with the spirit and letter of the official communique of 25 January 2019.

          In view of the information given above for this purpose, the decision of the Supreme Authority was thus taken in this sense because all the constituent elements of the file, resulting in the suspension of the Secretary General ai, have not not available to him.

          Done in Kinshasa, May 08, 2019

          The Communication Unit of the Ministry of Higher and University Education

          in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #48338

            Kilima Monique KitokoThe national president of the Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Foundation (FOFAT), Kilima Monique Kitoko, formally rejects the document circulating on social networks, in which its structure organized an information search mission to the Chinese company Ruashi Mining. Which company works in Lubumbashi, in the province of Haut-Katanga. Through a statement made public, the national office of FOFAT says that it is not concerned by this document, which does not commit the Foundation which, at present, is focused on the implementation of its structures and the official exit of which the date is 21 June of the current year.


            The Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Foundation, FOFAT, National Office, informs that it is not involved in any approach to the Chinese company Ruashi Mining, operating in Upper Katanga, unlike the document circulating on social networks.

            FOFAT encourages its injured members in their working relationship with Ruashi Mining to continue to recover their rights without engaging the institution that is in the process of setting up and recruiting new members.

            FOFAT invites its senior executives to be cautious and to devote themselves exclusively to the activities leading up to the official release, scheduled for June 21st, and to which all representations from inside and outside the country are invited.

            National Coordinator, Ms. Kilima Kitoko Monique promises to be tougher on any member who does not respect the values ​​and operating framework of FOFAT, founded October 10, 2001

            in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #48337

              For Delly Sessanga and Claudel Lubaya, the transformation of the LAMUKA coalition from the electoral platform into a political structure does not change the deal of their political vision. In their joint declaration signed on Monday, May 13, these two executives of Ensemble pour le Change declare that “since they have never belonged to this electoral platform or participated in its activities, we are not part of it either, even in its new form “.

              in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #424

                Norbert Basengezi Katintima was deposited with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Interior and Security, Henri Mova Sakanyi, the draft law on the distribution of seats.

                This ceremony is worth its weight in gold because it marks a very strong symbol of the completion of the legal and technical acts to be the milestone of the good conduct of the next elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

                This meeting comes after the long technical step of the identification and the enlistment of the voters which was sanctioned by a qualitative processing of the data of the voters and the announcement, on the national airwaves, of the decision of the CENI N ° 008 of 06 April 2018 publishing voter statistics by electoral entities.

                The CENI delegation led by Vice-President Norbert BASENGEZI KATINTIMA and composed among others by the Rapporteur Jean Pierre KALAMBA, Deputy Rapporteur Onésime KUKATULA and Deputy National Executive Secretary Verdonck TSHIYA of the CENI, also aimed to reaffirm the firm commitment as well of the CENI and of the Government of the Republic to have the next elections held on the date of 23 December 2018. The latest text of the legal framework for the elections in the DR Congo allocates seats by constituency for the parliamentary elections, provincial, municipal and local. It is one of the answers to the expectations of the political actors regarding the adoption of an updated legal instrument, on the one hand and the holding of the elections according to the international standards in the matter, on the other hand.

                The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior and Security who had at his side the Minister of State for Decentralization, the Minister in Charge of Relations with Parliament, the Minister in charge of customary affairs, the Deputy Minister of the Interior and Security and the Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior in charge of political parties, welcomed the catalytic role that continues to play the CENI despite the many weight and criticism that poorly hide the fear of certain actors policies to descend into the arena of conquest of voters.

                As the focal point of the government vis-à-vis the CENI, the Minister of Interior and Security is expected to forward this draft for consideration at the next Council of Ministers between 7 and 13 April 2018. The two chambers of parliament are invited to consider the 14 to 23 April 2018. Finally, promulgation by the Head of State is expected for 8 May 2018, in accordance with the electoral calendar.

                in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #411

                  The Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) and MONUSCO on Sunday rejected an attack by a group of armed men who wanted to infiltrate the city of Beni from a peripheral area of ​​the city of OICHA. Their purpose, it was reported, was to attack a FARDC position. Heavy and automatic gunfire was heard most of the day south of the city of OICHA. The first rumor was of a few unruly soldiers who would claim their balances for two months.

                  Four people including two FARDC soldiers have been killed by machete since last Sunday during an incursion of a group of armed men south of the city of OICHA in territory of Beni (North Kivu). Their putrefactive bodies were found on Wednesday morning lying in the bush on the side of Makiki. According to the president of the local youth and spokesman for civil society, Janvier Kasayiryo, the perpetrators of these killings are alleged rebels of the ADF who have been reorganizing for some time in the area. “You will recall that last week, there were 14 peacekeepers who were killed on the Mbau-Kamango axis and several people were kidnapped before being released on the same axis the same week,” laments January Kasayiryo . Last Sunday, heavy, automatic gunfire was heard almost all day long south of the city of OICHA. “The first rumor was about the few unruly soldiers who would claim their two-month balances. It was at the last minute that a group of peasants searching on all sides suspected a probable incursion into their neighbourhood, “said a local source.

                  The real version

                  Later, some citizens no longer found two members of their families including the father and his eldest son. Family sources reportedly confessed that they were headed south, on the Makiki side, during cracklings. A probable kidnapping or kidnapping goes into the foreground. It is only this Wednesday morning, in the discovery of their lifeless bodies that the new incursion would have been confirmed. The spokesman of operations Sokola 1 South, Lieutenant Jules Ngongo, said that the FARDC “intercepted” Sunday a group of alleged ADF on the axis MBAU-KAMANGO who wanted to infiltrate the city of Beni from a peripheral neighbourhood of the city of OICHA for the purpose of attacking a FARDC position on that axis. He added that the army has received accurate information, which would have prevented this new incursion. For now, military sources reassure that the situation is under control. According to these same sources, the army still chases a group of attackers in the southern end of the city of OICHA in Beni territory. The MONUSCO peacekeepers also intervened to repel this threat of attack.

                  in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #298

                    On Saturday, August 26, Thomas Luhaka Losendjola had his voter’s card at the registration center of the secondary school of the college of Saint Georges, in the commune of Kintambo. This was a good opportunity for militants of the Liberal Movement -ML- to accompany their leader. At about 3 pm, he met the procedural requirements as required by the CENI. He thus respected all the steps of the identification and enrollment operation. “At the level of the Liberal Movement, we had launched a big campaign in the capital to ask the whole population to enroll massively and today we thought it was our turn to come and set an example, Enlisting, “he said.
                    A few days after the end of the enrollment, Thomas Luhaka went as President of the Liberal Movement to the registration center of the Collège Saint Georges, to declare his identity and his origins before the Ceni agent who Has transcribed on the card before having his fingerprints taken from the operator of seizure. After finishing the procedure, the leader of the ML then received his voter’s card, the only valid document allowing each Congolese to exercise his right to vote in the next elections.
                    On leaving the registration center, Thomas Luhaka did not hesitate to launch, once again, an appeal to the Congolese people to come en masse, the duty of every citizen, proof of a good preparation for the elections. Holding his voter’s card in his hand, the leader of the Liberal Movement spoke. “Today, I thought it was my turn to show the example of a civil act to the Congolese people by enlisting me,” he said. “People do not sleep, people do not dream, there will be elections in this country. So, come, come and join us if you really want to express your political choice for credible and peaceful elections in the next elections, “he added. “Despite the difficulties, the smear campaign, the poisoning, the CENI continues to do its work and the Congolese population believes in the electoral process because, as we speak, more than 40 million Congolese have enlisted when talking about the People, we see the Congolese, the people want the elections and they showed this adhesion to the electoral process by coming enlisting in a massive way. We now think that it is absolutely necessary that we go to the elections, that we stop with the distractions. Those who think they can gain power by a coup and also by inciting the population to an insurrection are making a mistake. The vast majority of the population, 40 million Congolese, believe in the electoral process and have made their decision to go to the elections, “he concluded.

                    in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #297

                      It was Saturday, August 26, that the curtains of the first national conference of the internal auditors of the Congo fell. It was organized by the Institute of Internal Auditors of Congo, IIA Congo, at the Interdiocesan Center of Kinshasa, from 25 to 26 August. Some 100 participants from more than 25 companies and national institutions have reflected on the theme: “Internal audit in DRC: state of play and prospects for the future”. The aim of the meeting was to allow participants to discuss the state of the profession of Internal Auditor and its prospects for the future in the country. At the end of the meeting, the auditors were able to prove that the audit profession existed in the DRC. However, its stability is met with several difficulties. These included the absence of a framework law on internal auditing in the DRC, the reduced number of qualified internal auditors, the lack of specialized training for the training of internal auditors in the DRC, Level institutions of the country’s place. To cope with this, all, then all, have vowed to stand hand in hand, to meet these challenges and regularly organize these types of reunion and exchange activities. In addition, the national legislator and the Ministries of Education must contribute to this struggle.
                      It was on Friday, August 25, that the go-go of the first National Conference of Internal Auditors of the Congo was given by the Representative of the Governor of the Central Bank of the Congo, Gary Mpunga Tshiyombo. It was just after the inaugural and welcome speech of the President of the Institute of Internal Auditors of Congo, IIA Congo, Mr. Dieudonné Ngoy Mamba. A common thread emerges from their various interventions. The call for concentration and fruitful discussions around the theme: “Internal audit in the DRC: state of play and prospects for the future”.
                      The methodology used by the IIA Congo to deal with this topic was therefore the presentation of presentations by qualified speakers of the Public Sector and Sectors on controls in general and on Internal Audit in particular followed by debates; Distribution of the questionnaire containing the main points to facilitate the assessment of the state of the profession in the country; Summarize key points drawn from the work of the Conference and, finally, the reading of the synthesis report.
                      Rich presentations
                      Several presentations were made. The first was that of the Representative of the President of the Court of Auditors, Louis Kinzhele Ndala’Lele. With proven experience, he has relied on the Internal Audit and Public Sector in the DRC, the case of the Court of Auditors. The second to intervene was the Representative of the Inspector-General of Finance who worked on the audit missions of the General Inspectorate of Finance.
                      For its part, the Director General of Congo Airways presented the prospects of his company. The Vice President of II A Congo summarized the overall view of the International Institute of Internal Auditors ” IIA Global ”. While another vice-president of this institute spoke of Internal Auditors, the African Federation of IIA and IIA Congo. The reform of the internal control system of the Central Bank of Congo and the place of internal audit in this reform was developed by Gary Mpunga. Internal Audit as seen by Deloitte was the final presentation of this conference. It is important to note that the various partners have explained the services of their companies, such as the company CERI ALLSERVICES, specialized in computer work, represented by Mr. Norbert Kitenge.

                      Impact of the First National Conference
                      The meeting organized by the IIA Congo enabled the participants to get to know each other and share their experiences, in accordance with the IIA Global motto: “Progress through Sharing”. This work has had the merit of asserting the existence of the Internal Audit function in the DRC. In addition, it should be emphasized that its main players are: the General Inspection of Finance, the Court of Auditors, the Central Bank of Congo, the Order of Chartered Accountants of the Congo (ONEC / DRC) Internal audit of private sector companies and the Institute of Internal Auditors of the Congo. The participants pointed out that internal audit actors should take into account: the laws of the country and other regulatory texts, the instructions of the Central Bank of the Congo, the manuals of procedures and various instructions of the services, good management practices As well as international standards for internal audit. They also highlighted the added value of internal audit: assurance-efficiency-objectivity. On the human resources aspect, they stressed the competence, the continuous training of the internal auditors as well as the respect of the ethics.
                      Finally, the one who opened the work, Gary Mpunga, logically, is the one who also closed on Saturday, August 26, 2017.


                      in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #296

                        Minister of Higher and University Education, Steve Mbikayi Mabuluki returned to the country on Saturday, August 26, via the N’djili International Airport in Kinshasa. The Minister of ESU spent two weeks in the United States where he was on an official mission. As soon as he arrived in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Minister first spoke about his mission, but also gave his point of view regarding the strike of university professors. Regarding his mission, the Minister said reserved primeur to his hierarchy, especially Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala. On the subject of the teachers’ strike, Steve Mbikayi promised to restart the exchanges in the framework of the permanent dialogue to find lasting solutions to the problems that specially concern his sector.
                        After several days of absence in the country, the Minister of Higher Education and University, Steve Mbikayi, has returned to Kinshasa since last Saturday. Responding warmly to the problem of strike in his sector, the Minister, on board, welcomed the good faith of professors who did not disrupt the closing of the academic year before promising to resume discussions with them With respect to claims that are directly dependent on its sector. He took this opportunity to ask the various management committees to finalize the deliberation in order to help the students to know their fate and especially to prepare well for the second session.
                        From the mission to the United States
                        Motivated by the desire to build new public universities, the Minister of ESU works in line with the vision of the Head of State. To materialize this desire, Steve Mbikayi is looking for partners. “I reserve the prime of the report of my mission to the Prime Minister. Following the guidelines received from the Head of State under the coordination of the Prime Minister, we are looking for ways and means to modernize our Higher Education and University sector and especially to obtain the construction of new Public Universities in our country. It was in this context that we met with the partners outside, things are evolving very well. I believe that in a few months we will see the beginning of a few things. But as I said, I will first report to the Prime Minister before I can reveal the content of my mission and also the steps that we will take in order to be able to modernize our teaching more. Construction of universities that should exceed those we have acquired from our colonizers, “he said.
                        Radicalization of the strike
                        Steve Mbikayi arrives at the moment when the strike is radicalized in its sector. Without going by the back of the spoon, he began by thanking the professors who did not want to disrupt the closing of the academic year when they could do it well. He also promised to revive, very quickly, exchanges with teachers to find solutions on issues that depend on his sector. “First, I salute the patriotism of university professors who did not want to disrupt the closing of the academic year because they could do it well. And they made legitimate demands, exercised their right to strike and understood that students should not be penalized, I congratulate them. Now that I am back, I think we will reopen the dialogue with them to see how quickly we can find solutions to issues that concern my sector, “the Minister said on his return.
                        As for the rest, it must be acknowledged that it is a general question of all workers that will certainly find solutions at the level of the central Government.

                        in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #295

                          The Democratic Republic of the Congo is not only a mining power. It is also an agricultural power capable of feeding itself, without importation, of agricultural products. It is in this logic that the Minister of Scientific Research, Eva Mwakasa, opened a workshop to validate the Strategic Plan for Agronomic Research-horizon 2016-2021 of the National Institute for Agricultural Research and Research, INERA . It was Friday, August 25, 2017, at the Hotel du Fleuve, in the commune of La Gombe. Indeed, INERA now has a road map that clearly defines the vision, mission, objectives and even the intervention strategy to effectively meet the expectations of all Congolese and Congolese, including all international partners In agricultural matters. The said plan, says Amand Mbuya Kankolongo, DG of INERA, fits perfectly into the development plan of the Government of the Republic. This means that the slogan ” Consommons Congolais ” should not be theoretical. Instead, the DRC should focus on production to regain its place among the largest producers and exporters. In order to do this, INERA, a spearhead of the development of agriculture, has a working tool to finally boost the agricultural sector in order to bring about change, thus achieving a more sustainable development.
                          The appeal of DG Amand Mbuya
                          “The relevance and quality of the strategic plan, however good it may be, is one thing. But its implementation is the biggest challenge we face, “said Amand Mbuya, CEO of INERA. He once again expressed the wish of his institution to see the links of collaboration and partnership well strengthened with the international research centers, as well as TFPs, NGDOs, civil society and the private sector. To achieve the objectives set out in the said Strategic Plan 2016-2021. And the conviction of DG Amand Mbuya is that the current challenges facing Congolese agriculture, requiring the search for appropriate solutions, are so numerous that no one can do it alone, whatever the means at his disposal. That is why it calls for the participation of all goodwillers in the achievement of the objectives assigned. At least, DG AMAND Mbuya, under the watchful eye of INERA’s PCA, Professor Musenga Virginie, expressed its gratitude to those who contributed to the elaboration of the said Strategic Plan of Agricultural Research. In particular, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Scientific Research. It should be emphasized that FAO has technically supported this INERA Plan. In his own words, Mr. Chris PAPA’S suggested that FAO would spare no effort to accompany the DRC towards the development of the agricultural sector. Although there are amendments made by experts in the agricultural sector, it should be pointed out that the Strategic Agricultural Research Plan is a concrete response to President Joseph Kabila’s call to diversify the production sector , To no longer depend on the mining sector alone as a source of currency. Thus, INERA, through its plan, faces a series of challenges that tarnish the image of the Democratic Republic of Congo by the indices of sustainable development. Challenges include: food insecurity, malnutrition, climate change, rural poverty, environmental degradation and biodiversity erosion, volatility in agricultural commodity prices, and so on.
                          For the INERA DG, the Strategic Plan for Agricultural Research has the advantage of having made a profound diagnosis of the agricultural sector and of agricultural research in the DRC by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and risks To allow, in the final analysis, key areas that can bring a new wind to short terms. Because the Congolese government via INERA is making enormous efforts to regain its share of lost markets on an international scale with regard to tropical products. And, the ambition of the DRC is to regain its place among the largest producing and exporting countries.

                          The objectives of INERA
                          For the INERA Scientific Director, Professor Kizungu, the Strategic Plan for Agricultural Research is objectively moving towards the transformation of substantive agriculture into commercial agriculture, thus adapting to climate change. Also, improved processing and conservation will be required.
                          Indeed, given the changing national, subregional and international socio-economic context, the current agricultural environment and the contextual situation of agronomic research in the DRC, the proposed Strategic Plan is, Says Amand Mbuya, comprehensive because it covers virtually all the priority aspects of agricultural research for a real socio-economic impact. All this, taking into account the mandate of INERA and the main objectives, namely: Generate, develop and adapt for producers and breeders improved genetic materials with high performance and resistant to the main diseases and parasites; Technical messages and information on economically and environmentally sustainable production and protection methods; Ensure the supply of basic seeds and other planting or propagating material adapted to the environmental conditions of the environment and, finally, strengthen research and development, the capacity for dissemination and transfer of user results.

                          in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #294

                            There were several hundred of them from every corner of the electoral district of Mont-Amba. These are the activists of the Christian Convention for Democracy, CCD in abbreviation, dear party to the Minister of State Minister in charge of Relations with the Parliament, Jean-Pierre Lisanga Bonganga. They accompanied their leader to the enlistment center located in the commune of Lemba.
                            Indeed, this member of the Government went there to fulfill his civic duty. After obtaining his voter’s card, the Coordinator of the Tshisekedi Allies Coalition, CAT in initialling, reaffirmed the Government’s will to go to the elections and, as a result, to help the Congolese population to Peaceful alternation at the top of the state.
                            The National President of the Christian Convention for Democracy, CCD, and Minister of State Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament, Jean-Pierre Lisanga Bonganga, fulfilled his civic duty on Saturday 26 August in Lemba. He took this opportunity to reaffirm the Government’s strong will to organize elections at all levels. He seized this opportunity to call on the latecomers to hasten, enlisting en masse to elect the leaders of their choice.
                            Accompanied by several hundred people, the leader of the Tshisekedist Rally-Movement walked to the CENI registration center.
                            According to him, the upcoming elections are important because they will help the people to freely choose their leaders at all levels. For Jean-Pierre Lisanga, all the batteries are set in motion for the organization of the elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Government there.
                            “It will be remembered that we signed the agreement, and in this agreement there is one of the great missions, to bring the people to the elections and to go to the elections, elector. That is why we reaffirm the will of our government, the government led by Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala to bring the people to the elections. We have just fulfilled our civic duty and these elections are important so that the people can freely choose their leaders at all levels, “he told the national and international press.
                            Message from the Minister of State to the Congolese
                            After fulfilling his civic duty, the Minister of State in charge of relations with the parliament took the opportunity to address his base in Mont-Amba, in particular, and the Congolese population in general.
                            A single powerful message, enroll massively and have the chance to elect the leaders according to their own will. “First, to the people of Mont-Amba, because it’s our riding; I ask the latecomers to do everything possible to come and be enrolled. We need it because it will cause us to have many elected officials. And then I send a message to the Congolese people, the remaining people, soon it will be Kasai. We must have a lot of enrollment. This is what will prove that we have the will to go to the elections, we want to go towards the alternation, “he declared before this immense crowd.
                            Given the number of people who accompanied JP Lisanga Bonganga to the registration center, it should be said that the leader of Mont-amba has all his exchanges to stand out in the next elections.

                            in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #293

                              Dissent to the political opposition, more precisely to the Rassemblement / Limete, is consummated between Jean-Claude Vuemba, president of the MPCR (Congolese People’s Movement for the Republic) and Martin Fayulu, president of the Commitment for Citizenship and Development). Indeed, the elected representative of the territory of Kasangulu, Vuemba Jean-Claude, does not intend to subscribe to a flat to lower his eagerness to his Colleague, Martin Fayulu denounces wanting to push him to the exit door of gathering.

                              Since his electoral fief of Kasangulu in the Central Kongo on Friday, August 25, Jean-Claude Vuemba, during an interview with the press, declared that it was Martin Fayulu who pushed him to the exit door Of the Rally by carefully dismissing it on the list of delegates of the Dynamics of the opposition to sit on the Council of Elders of the Rally. Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba (peace to his soul), since Genval, has remained hostile to any attempt to bite the hook tended by the Presidential Majority, the only mega-platform created at the initiative of a strong and unshakable castle.

                              According to him, his exclusion from the Rassemblement was not correlated with his last media outlet, where he affirmed discreet contacts between the Opposition and the Presidential Majority with a view to the formation of a new government, the head of which The executive would be Felix Anthony Tshisekedi Tshilombo. Information about the rest, quickly denied by Felix himself when he declared, without procrastinating: ” I am neither a taker nor an applicant for a job at Kabila. Hence, Kalibia must be left alone, its failure “.

                              Faced with this controversy, the national deputy Vuemba wanted to illuminate the lantern of the national as well as the international opinion on the genesis of the Dynamics of the Opposition. According to him, he is one of the co-founders of the Dynamics of the Opposition alongside Vital Kamerhe and Ingele Ifoto, the current Minister of Energy and Hydraulic Resources.

                              Given that the Rally constitutes a structure that gathers platforms, the president of the MPCR can not sit there if he has not been delegated by his platform. Other similar cases are also reported to the Rassop / Limete who remains the embodiment of the popular will or silent majority. This is particularly the case of Gilbert Kiakwama and Fiyou Dodomboni who suffer the same fate, says Vuemba.

                              Moreover, in the chapter on the formation of a new government, the moral authority of the MPCR said that it had been approached but only the Rassemblement had already lifted the option not to work with Kabila, which he said had difficulty Respect the agreements.

                              This is the high point of Jean-Claude Vuemba’s communication in order to lift the sail that obstructed the path of truth about his lugubrious relations with Martin Fayulu. However, he said he still has good relations with Felix Tshisekedi, president of the Rally.

                              in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #292

                                Everything has its time under the sun, “they say. Beginning on May 28, 2017, the process of identifying voters ended in Kinshasa on August 28, 2017. In an exclusive interview with La Prosperité, Carlos Mupili Kabyuma, President of the Kinshasa Civil Society and Christian Dynamics For the defense of Human Rights and the Environment, DCDHE, CN-CPI Kinshasa Focal Point and Researcher in International Law and Cyber ​​Law, read about the enrollment process in Kinshasa. He salutes the courage of the population and the willingness it had to obtain his voter’s card despite several technical weaknesses manifested by the CENI in his work. Having passed this test, it is time for the elections. Carlos Mupili remains convinced that the elections will take place in the DRC. However, beyond the date set out in the New Year’s Eve Agreement. And he motivated his position. Thus, it calls for a dialogue of the scholarly community which should present proposals to politicians. He also said that civil society and the forces working on the evaluation of the deadline to organize the elections. They will propose a pragmatic timetable with retrospective analysis that will take into account the true speed of the electoral process to check whether the next calendar of the CENI will be realistic or demagogic. Given the richness of his answers, read them in full in the following lines.

                                 President, the enrolment of voters in Kinshasa ended, in principle, today, Monday, August 28, 2017. What reading can you do?

                                Carlos Mupili: Thank you for the opportunity. Mr. Journalist, the end of enrollment in Kinshasa leaves me with a very good impression. That of believing that the Kinois people wants the elections to sanction this mediocre political class, responsible for the misfortune of the Congolese since independence.

                                In my capacity as President of the Civil Society of Kinshasa, to see the discipline and patience observed among the populations of Kinshasa in the queue, without incident or mediated disorder, I understand that murderous street actions are truly The theatrical work of politicians who are afraid of voting penalties. And, therefore, they prefer to sell the blood of the naive Congolese as a file to run for posts in the Government.

                                However, it should be noted that the CENI presented weaknesses in this process following poor recruitment. This is linked, in particular, to clientelism. That is, some regimented members did not pass either the test or the training. Consequence, the slowness of the input operators. That did not allow enrollment even 15 people a day. We also condemn political parties that have not sent witnesses to registration centers.

                                President, at the pace where things go, the Congolese lose hope to choose their Representatives this year. In your opinion, is the election, by the end of December 2017, a myth or a reality?

                                Carlos Mupili: Without intending to discourage the Congolese people, I affirm that the organization of the elections at the end of 2017 is utopian. I come back to tell you that the Dialogue of the Interdiocesan Center, on which the Congolese people had hope, has failed. The reason is simple. The participants had not gone to think about either the electoral system and its funding, or even less about the electoral calendar. But they were there to discuss on the sharing of posts that the CENCO, accomplice of political hypocrisy, called “special arrangements”.

                                So I will say, without fear of being contradicted, that the projection adopted “no later than the end of December 2017” was not considered. All this happened because they had their heads elsewhere, in power.

                                As proof, those who are still calling the elections today are those who are not in the government or the CNSA. While those of Limete, who still shout out of jealousy and discontent, want yet another opportunity to dialogue to come to the Government. They always hide behind popular causes. Among them, I can quote, elections, democracy. But when they are in the manger, they will change the language. Those who are in the government and at the CNSA at the moment, they accused Matata of refusing to give the CEN the means to hold the elections. This, despite its many justifications for falling raw material prices. Today, they are there and nothing changes, except their language that changes camp. They went from insults to Kabila to flatteries in Kabila.

                                Today, strikes are everywhere with fatal consequences in hospitals. And no politician is concerned about that. What interests them is money and power, even at the cost of the blood of their militants.

                                ” The wine is pulled, it must be drunk, ” they say. In your capacity as an actor of the Civil Society, what can be done to get out of this political crisis?

                                Carlos Mupili: I think we missed a very good opportunity for dialogue to reflect on the electoral impasse. I propose that next time, this forum should be entrusted to the scholarly community which should present proposals to politicians.

                                I inform you that the Civil Society forces forces, has been working for a month on the evaluation of the deadline that remains for us to organise the elections. So a pragmatic timeline with the retrospective analysis that will take into account the true speed of the electoral process to check whether the next CENI calendar will be realistic or demagogic. Thank you.

                                in reply to: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence #291

                                  In a series of interviews conducted between mid-June and mid-July by RTGA journalist Souzie Kibira, several high-ranking personalities lent their votes to the documentary project around Rev. Dr. Milenge Mwenelwata, re-elected 2nd Vice-President of the RTGA. Church of Christ in Congo (ECC). Among the personalities who had spoken of Bishop Milenge, it is appropriate to quote Professor Masiala-ma-Solo, Former President of Protestant Laity (MILAPRO). The latter did not hesitate to call Milenge as a good student when he had welcomed him to the Protestant University at the Faculty of Theology. Further on, Prof. Masiala ranked him among the best students of the time. “Besides, I have accompanied him twice, as Ambassador of Peace. He was crowned at the time in the large conference room for Foreign Affairs here in Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC. And then he was elevated to the rank of Doctor Honoris Causa in his field of Theology, “revealed Prof. Masiala. For the former President of the Protestant laity, Milenge is a man of big business, an entrepreneur, not in the commercial sense, but he knows how to sell himself and sell the project he understood. Below, the entire interview between Souzie Kibira, journalist with the RTGA and Prof. Masiala.

                                  What has marked you in his professional career?

                                  Its availability. He is very available and very enterprising. For he clings to what he has understood, and it is fundamental as Protestant and as the one who follows and who accompanies and understands the foundation of the Reformation of 1517, we are five hundred years now, I have the impression that Milenge has this aura initiated by the reformation of Luther and Calvin, and Zwingli and Farel of Bisel, it marked me and everywhere they introduce me Milenge is said to be a peaceful man, A jovial man, a man who is good with others, that I can affirm so he marked me a lot.

                                  What can you advise her not to do?

                                  He has a future that is radiant, he is young, he is intelligent, he does not only love his country and his church but he also loves his neighbor. The Reformation has relied on three fundamentals, piety for oneself, therefore sanctification, equity, that also it must be aligned (…). I am like him and the Protestants of 1517 insisted on equity.

                                  And to those who do not know them, what do you advise them?

                                  We must approach him, we must approach Milenge, talk with him, he is open, he receives everyone, I think he is indeed a shepherd, a pastor. I came to him once and only circumstantially. I want to change that too to get to know Milenge in his childhood father’s cap at home at home, because I know him in his office, in the Church, in what we do together at the African Observatory of Sanction positive.

                                  He is listening to you at this moment, what message are you addressing him?

                                  Yes. I salute him first, I salute Pastor Milenge on the line, on the conduct of the Protestant Church in the Congo and he fights, he organizes, he has ideas and ideas, he shares them. Here, the third fundamental profile of Protestants is sharing, that is to say, to know how to share, how to give and to give, it is necessary to possess and it is at work until late at night. I get the impression that he knows how to work. This is an asset for Milenge. I invite others to discover this man; A man of peace; A man who works, a man who loves, a man who shares, a home that is listening to everyone.

                                  thank you very much

                                  Thank you.

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