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Democratic Republic of Congo Forums Real Life The 57th Anniversary of the Independence Reply To: The 57th Anniversary of the Independence


    There were several hundred of them from every corner of the electoral district of Mont-Amba. These are the activists of the Christian Convention for Democracy, CCD in abbreviation, dear party to the Minister of State Minister in charge of Relations with the Parliament, Jean-Pierre Lisanga Bonganga. They accompanied their leader to the enlistment center located in the commune of Lemba.
    Indeed, this member of the Government went there to fulfill his civic duty. After obtaining his voter’s card, the Coordinator of the Tshisekedi Allies Coalition, CAT in initialling, reaffirmed the Government’s will to go to the elections and, as a result, to help the Congolese population to Peaceful alternation at the top of the state.
    The National President of the Christian Convention for Democracy, CCD, and Minister of State Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament, Jean-Pierre Lisanga Bonganga, fulfilled his civic duty on Saturday 26 August in Lemba. He took this opportunity to reaffirm the Government’s strong will to organize elections at all levels. He seized this opportunity to call on the latecomers to hasten, enlisting en masse to elect the leaders of their choice.
    Accompanied by several hundred people, the leader of the Tshisekedist Rally-Movement walked to the CENI registration center.
    According to him, the upcoming elections are important because they will help the people to freely choose their leaders at all levels. For Jean-Pierre Lisanga, all the batteries are set in motion for the organization of the elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Government there.
    “It will be remembered that we signed the agreement, and in this agreement there is one of the great missions, to bring the people to the elections and to go to the elections, elector. That is why we reaffirm the will of our government, the government led by Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala to bring the people to the elections. We have just fulfilled our civic duty and these elections are important so that the people can freely choose their leaders at all levels, “he told the national and international press.
    Message from the Minister of State to the Congolese
    After fulfilling his civic duty, the Minister of State in charge of relations with the parliament took the opportunity to address his base in Mont-Amba, in particular, and the Congolese population in general.
    A single powerful message, enroll massively and have the chance to elect the leaders according to their own will. “First, to the people of Mont-Amba, because it’s our riding; I ask the latecomers to do everything possible to come and be enrolled. We need it because it will cause us to have many elected officials. And then I send a message to the Congolese people, the remaining people, soon it will be Kasai. We must have a lot of enrollment. This is what will prove that we have the will to go to the elections, we want to go towards the alternation, “he declared before this immense crowd.
    Given the number of people who accompanied JP Lisanga Bonganga to the registration center, it should be said that the leader of Mont-amba has all his exchanges to stand out in the next elections.