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The Allied Political Forces of the Udps note, with great satisfaction, that despite the difficulties encountered, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, President of the Republic, has shown all his availability, his firm will for the emergence of a true State of law in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They chose Sunday May 10, 2020, to express their satisfaction before the press on the mid-term results of the actions of the Head of State. They thanked the President of the Republic for raising theirs. They are Patriarch Kitenge Yesu at the rank of Special Envoy of the Head of State, the Honorable Henriette Wamu and Christopher Ngoy. In front of an audience of journalists, the National Coordinator of FPAU, the Honorable Laurent Batumona, in the presence of several executives of this platform, said that during his inauguration, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo had defined the priority axes of his quinquennium namely: “Security, the fight against corruption, embezzlement, nepotism and regionalism”. On the political level, the National Coordinator of the FPAU reassured that the relations between the FCC-CACH are in good shape. To a question about Bishop Mukuna, Laurent Batumona said that the Legal Representative of the Christian Assembly of Kinshasa is a religious leader, free to express himself and his claims are only his.

According to the Coordinator of the FPAU, the measures concerning the reform of the judicial system are taken to fight against the anti-values ​​which plague public life.

From the review of the actions taken by the President of the Republic in particular, the launch of the 100-day program, the boost in diplomacy, security, the economy, politics as well as social issues, the FPAU noted significant progress.

For the FPAU, the launch of the works of 100 had as main objective, the restoration of the confidence of the Congolese in their country, the DRC, and also with bilateral and multilateral partners to ensure that the DRC is counted among the democratic nations and prosperous. On the diplomatic level, the FPAU positively noted that the visits made by the President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, to African countries, mainly, earned him the election to the post of First Vice-President of the African Union . In addition, those carried out in the West enabled it to scrutinize the nature of the existing relations between the DRC and its international, regional and sub-regional partners. It is in view, said the Honorable Batumona, of restoring confidence as well as redefining reciprocity, a pledge of interstate relations. As a consequence, the President of the Republic considerably changed the perception of the partners vis-à-vis the DRC and also enhanced the image of the Congolese Head of State and the country.

On the political level, it has its assets, political relaxation; national reconciliation; freedom of expression, movement, authorization of political meetings and so many others concerning the return of political exiles to their country.UDPS

It should be recalled on the Infrastructure and Investment plan, the rehabilitation of roads of national and provincial interest; the construction of leapfrogs and the resumption of activities of companies in the state portfolio as well as private operators. Regarding the economy, he pinpointed the restoration of confidence with multinational partners in particular, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the increase in the State Budget to the tune of 70%.

Addressing the social chapter, Laurent Batumona stressed that the President of the Republic has taken important actions. These include, inter alia, the fight against covid-19, rehabilitation of hospitals, free education and payment for new units and unpaid. Security has not been forgotten in the President’s efforts to restore peace. Finally, on the judicial level, the FPAU noted the reforms and, above all, the creation of the anti-corruption structure.

Responding to questions from journalists on the statements made by the Legal Representative of the ACK, the FPAU Coordinator, Laurent Batumona, supported by the Vice-Coordinator Elysée Bokumwana and the Honorable Henriette Wamu as well as by other executives considered that the Bishop Pascal Mukuna is a Congolese, a religious leader who has the freedom to express himself and that one cannot involve him in anyone and his words engage him only himself. “He has no political party or anything like that,” they said. Compared to the FCC-CACH coalition, the FPAU Coordinator argued that the reports are in good shape. On this subject, the FPAU reminds that the coalition goes beyond 2023.

During this conference, it should be noted that the distancing measures and the wearing of masks were respected.

Regarding what happened in the Senate, the Honorable Wamu pointed out that Senator Bijou Goya was within his rights as a parliamentarian to question the Bureau regarding the cost of renovating the facilities of the Upper House of Parliament. “The President of the Senate should understand Goya’s approach to surrender to privacy,” she said.

The press has also been informed of the arrest of the authors of the allegations concerning a coup d’état which the Honorable Batumona is said to be preparing.
